Brasiilia meelelahutusportaali andmetel teeb Gaga väikse osa filmis, mille peaosades on Will Smith ja Tommy Lee Jones. Filmi sisuks on salateenistuse võitlus maal elavate tulnukatega, et "päästa inimnkonna tulevik."

"Meie filmi astub üles mitu kuulsust," ütles Smith enda kodulehel,"kuid ma ei saa avalvava, kes nad on. Me peame selle üllatuseks hoidma, et ka Lady Gaga filmis mängib,"

Barry Sonnenfeldi filmis astuvad lisaks Gagale üles ka Josh Brolin, Emma Thompson, Jemaine Clement, Bill Hader ja Nicole Scherzinger. Film jõuab kinolinale juba selle aasta mais.

According to a report by Brazilian website, via the Daily Mail, the megawatt pop star will appear in a small role in the blockbuster film, which co-stars Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones as alien-fighting Secret Service agents who set out to save the "future of humankind".

"We have a couple of celebrity cameos, but I think I cannot reveal who they are," Smith told the website while on a promotional tour in Rio last week. "We must keep as a surprise that Lady Gaga appears."

The late Michael Jackson made a cameo in the last "MIB" sequel, while the upcoming flick boasts an even more star-studded cast: Josh Brolin, Emma Thompson, Jemaine Clement, Bill Hader and Nicole Scherzinger are all set to appear in the Barry Sonnenfeld-directed film, due out in May.